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Foundation of the Women Farmers Association (Bäuerinnenorganisation) in Lower Austria

  • 2017-10-06T11:12:00+02:00

This project is based on interviews with founding members of the Women Farmers Association.


Institute of Rural History (own project) in cooperation with the Provincial Archive of Lower Austria



January 2016 – June 2016


Principal Investigator

Ulrich Schwarz



Ulrich Schwarz

Brigitte Semanek



In this project, we analysed interviews with former functionaries of the association of women farmers in Lower Austria. These interviews were conducted on the occasion of the association’s 40th anniversary. We embedded the memories of the founding members of the early years of the association and of carrying out work for the association, on the farm and within the family, in political and societal contexts around the ‘structural break’ of the 1970s.



> Brigitte Semanek / Ulrich Schwarz, Gemeinschaft mit Geschichte. Gründung der Bäuerinnenorganisation in NÖ, in: Bäuerin aktuell. Die Zeitung der Bäuerinnen in Niederösterreich 2016, 4–7 (Link to pdf).
