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The Institute of Rural History hosts a series of academic events, including the regular Rural History Forum, where scholars both from within the IRH and from other academic institutions present the ongoing reserach projects. The IRH also organizes international workshops and conferences. For an up to date list of upcoming events see our German page Veranstaltungen.

The Programme of Land und heute, the anniversary celebration event of the Institute of Rural History and the Rural History Yearbook on 23 and 24 November 2023 in St. Pölten, can be found here.


English-language Events

Sambolbild Migration, Time, and Temporality (Uhr ohne Zeiger)4–5 May 2023, International Conference, FH St. Pölten

Migration, Time, and Temporality

Conference Conveners: Annemarie Steidl (University of Vienna), Oliver Kühschelm (zhmf/IGLR), Anne Unterwurzacher (FH St.Pölten), Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Aleksej Kalc, Miha Zobe (Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts).

The second conference in the series (Researching) Migration: On New Paths, in Each Direction? is a collaboration of first – Research Network for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies with the Department of Social and Economic History at the University of Vienna and the Slovenian Migration Institute at the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts.

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Symbolic image conference spaces and locations of migration12–13 May 2022, International Conference, University of Vienna

Spaces and Locations of Migration

Conference Conveners: Annemarie Steidl (University of Vienna), Oliver Kühschelm (zhmf/IGLR), Anne Unterwurzacher (FH St.Pölten), Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik and Aleksej Kalc (Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts).

The conference is a collaboration of the Department of Social and Economic History at the University of Vienna with first – Research Network for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and the Slovenian Migration Institute at the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts.

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Symbolic image IRH discussion forum8 November 2021, 1.00-2.30 p.m., Virtual Lecture
Rural History Forum 76

Amalia Ribi Forclaz: A Light, a Bed, and possibly a Pillow. The International Labour Organization and Housing Conditions in Agriculture, 1920–1940

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