Inventory of Objects from the “Domestic Economy” and “Textiles” Collections of the Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz
In this project, the IGLR team inventories objects from the WMN.
Mehr…Ambulant Theatre in the Long 19th Century
This project lays the foundations for a history of mobility perspective on the "provincial theatre."
Mehr…100 Years since the Foundation of the Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Austria
This project traces the development of the Lower Austrian Chamber of Agriculture since 1922 in its historical contexts.
Mehr…Arrival – Departure – New Markets: Cross-Border Economic History
The project examines direct investments by Austrian companies in Bohemia and Moravia during the early 1990s.
Mehr…Life Story Narratives on Amateur Filming in the Countryside
An oral history project in cooperation with “MenschenLeben” at the Österreichische Mediathek.
Mehr…A Digital Guide for Research in Migration History
This project traces sources on migration in the 19th century in the Lower Austrian Provincial Archives.
Mehr…Reconciliation March 2020
Within the Interreg-project “Reconciliation March 2020”, the IGLR cooperates with “Meeting Brno”.
Mehr…A Biography of Johann Haider on the Occasion of his 100th Birthday
The project aims to present and analyse the significance of the farmers’ politician Johann Haider.
Mehr…History of the Agricultural Community of “Urhausbesitzer” in Alland (Lower Austria)
The project reconstructs the development of the agricultural community in Alland since the mid-13th century.
Mehr…Südmährerhof at Museumsdorf Niedersulz: New Concepts
The project includes the redesign of an exhibition at the Südmährerhof.
Mehr…Organising Agricultural Labour. Administrative Struggles in Interwar Austria
Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), this project analyses legal norms and administrative disputes concerning the regulation of agricultural labour in interwar Austria (1918–1938).
Mehr…Moving Fashion in Northern Lower Austria
A sub-project of the research project “Mobile things, peoples and ideas. A mobile history of Lower Austria”, funded by the research, technology and innovation strategy for Lower Austria (FTI-Strategie).
Mehr…Change of Land Use at the “Rindfleischberg”
The IGLR's contribution to a nature conservation project in the municipality of Klein-Pöchlarn (Lower Austria) investigates land use in a former wine-growing area in the 18th and 19th century.
Mehr…Indexing the Amateur Film Collection “Niederösterreich privat”
A pilot project for the indexing and cataloguing of amateur films as sources for contemporary rural history.
Mehr…The Agricultural Loan Society of St. Pölten
The project investigates the foundation of the agricultural loan society of St. Pölten in its social and economic historical context.
Mehr…History of Knowledge of the Soy Bean in Austria, ca. 1870–1950
How did different actors interact in the production, dissemination and appropriation of expert and everyday knowledge in relation to soy-based commodity chains in the context of society and the environment?
Mehr…Housebound? Home Care for the Elderly in Austrian Rural Areas
A gender perspective on home care for the elderly in rural areas.
Mehr…Surviving in Times of Crises 1914–1950: Focus Nutrition
How did people of the lower strata of society feed themselves in the first half of the 20th century?
Mehr…Surviving in Times of Crises 1914–1950: Focus Migration
The project analyses the survival strategies of rural workers, servants and housemaids in Lower Austria and Vienna and contextualises them within official norms regulating migration and mobility.
Mehr…New Conceptual Plan for the Museums of the Town Horn
In this project, the Institute of Rural History elaborates a new concept for the museums of the town Horn in general and for the Mader-Museum in particular.
Mehr…Ordentlich! Schlampert.
The project examines perceptions of landscapes and awareness of biodiversity.
Mehr…Spaces in the Lower Austrian Government’s Quarter
This project records the various utilisations of the area that today is the Lower Austrian government’s quarter.
Mehr…Foundation of the Women Farmers Association (Bäuerinnenorganisation) in Lower Austria
This project is based on interviews with founding members of the Women Farmers Association.