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Space – Mediascapes/Translating – Materiality: Rural Societies in the Making

  • 2019-05-16T11:21:00+02:00

Am 23. und 24. Mai 2019 gibt es in Wien einen von Dietlind Hüchtker, Claudia Kraft und Margareth Lanzinger konzipierten Autor*innen-Workshop.

Die Aufsätze sollen in einem künftigen Band des Jahrbuchs für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes publiziert werden.
Das genaue Programm des Workshops findet sich auf der Website des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien. Der Workshop findet an der Universität Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Seminarraum 7, 1090 Wien, statt.

Author Workshop
Space – Mediascapes/Translating – Materiality: Rural Societies in the Making

The event is the fifth within a series of workshops that are provided by the interdisciplinary network “Love, Work, and Violence”. This forum actively tries to transcend conventional boundaries of epochs and wants to discuss the output and limits of theoretical perspectives in connection with profound empirical studies. Love, work and violence are keywords for this endeavor. They allow the group to translate the­oretical concepts into different empirical contexts. The network offers several possibilities of working formats and cooperation in the field of rural studies.

This year’s workshop serves the purpose of prepa­ring a joint publication. The group will devote itself to first drafts of empirical studies from different dis­ciplines and different periods which offer a detailed examination of the three concepts discussed during the previous meetings: space, mediascapes/transla­ting, and materiality. The workshop aims to connect the articles in regard to the concepts and to present examples how to apply new approaches to the study of rural societies. The articles will be published in Rural History Yearbook/Jahrbuch für die Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes.

Dietlind Hüchtker (GWZO, Leipzig),
Claudia Kraft (University of Vienna),
Margareth Lanzinger (University of Vienna),

Sara Vorwalder (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Wien),
Ines Rößler (GWZO, Leipzig),

The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) carries out comparative historical and cultural research on the region borde­ring the Baltic, the Black, and the Adriatic Seas from the Early Middle Ages to the present. Currently, there are around 50 research scholars associated with the Institute conducting work both in Germany and abroad from across the range of humanities discip­lines. In its activities, the Institute relies on a dense network of cooperative partnerships with Eastern and Central European as well as international research organizations.




