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Call for Sessions: Rural History 2021

  • 2020-05-15T12:06:00+02:00

Das Organisationsteam der nächsten Konferenz der European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) in Uppsala lädt zur Einreichung von Panel-Vorschlägen ein.

Die Rural History 2021 wird von 23. bis 26. August 2021 in Uppsala in Schweden stattfinden, Einreichungen für die Sessions sind bis 15. September 2020 möglich.

Organisation: Division for Agrarian History at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala) and the Department of Economic History at Uppsala University


Call for Sessions: Rural History 2021

The aim of the Rural History 2021 conference is to promote a scientific discussion on new research on rural history in a broad sense by bringing together researchers dealing with different regions, different time periods and from different theoretical and methodological traditions.

In accordance with this, the conference is open for research on all aspects on the history of the countryside in Europe and its interaction with other parts of the world throughout time. We welcome participation from different academic subjects (e.g. history, archaeology, geography, economic history, economics, sociology, anthropology, development studies, gender studies, environmental history, historical demography) presenting and discussing new research and thereby contributing to expanding our knowledge on the rural history of Europe and beyond.

In order to ensure a broad participation and high scientific value each session should focus on a specific topic and include presenters from at least two different countries. The topic could be both related to a specific theme, to methods, or to theories and concepts.

Each session will last two hours and include four papers. Sessions will be led by a chair and a discussant. Double sessions on a particular topic are possible. Participants are asked to limit themselves to a maximum of two presentations at the conference.

A session proposal should include a title, the full name and affiliation of the organizer, and a short abstract (max 500 words) introducing the topic, the aim of the session, and the names and affiliations of at least two of the proposed panel contributors.

The deadline for session proposals is 15 September 2020.

Decisions on acceptance is taken by the International Scientific Committee and will be sent to the proposal givers in the end of October. An open Call for papers will be launched 2 November, intended to fill remaining slots in accepted sessions with papers on respective topic.

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