Agrarian Studies Group - Wintersemester 2016/4

Die Agrarian Studies Group lädt zur Teilnahme an der Diskussionsrunde zum Thema „Anarchist History and Theories of the State“

  • Wann 12.01.2017 von 15:00 bis 16:30 (CET / UTC100)
  • Wo Kommunikationsraum WISO, Hauptgebäude, Stiege 6, 1. Stock, Zwischengeschoß, Universität Wien
  • Name des Kontakts
  • Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen iCal


In the last of four sessions we discuss:

  • Stephen D. Krasner, Neil Roberts, Carol J. Greenhouse et al., Review: State, Power, Anarchism: A Discussion of "The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia", in Perspectives on Politics (2011), Vol. 9,  79-102.
  • Shalini Randeria, Review: Opting for Statelessness, in European Journal of Sociology (2010), Vol. 51, 464-69.
  • James C. Scott, Afterword to "Moral Economies, State Spaces, and Categorical Violence", in American Anthropologist (2005), Vol. 107, 395-402.


We’re looking forward to the discussion!

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