Project staff
MSc in European Regional Development (Cardiff University 2003), Diploma in Social Sciences (Leibniz University Hannover 2008),
Dr.in phil. (PhD) in History (University of Vienna 2017)
Areas of Research
- History and Sociology of Work and Livelihood
- Rural societies in the 20th century
- Labour migration
- Women's and Gender History
Current Research Project
- Organising Agricultural Labour. Administrative Struggles in Interwar Austria (Project leader)
- Climate Media Frames
Selection of Publications
- Jessica Richter, Die Produktion besonderer Arbeitskräfte. Auseinandersetzungen um den häuslichen Dienst in Österreich (1880-1938), Berlin/Boston 2024. Open Access
- Construction of Il/Legitimate Migrant Labor: Non-Nationals in Domestic Service and Gardening in Interwar Austria, in: Austrian History Yearbook, published online (First View) 2024, 1-13. DOI
Preprint (Accepted Manuscript) - New Rights and Hierarchies: Regulating Seasonal Farm Labour (Austria, 1918–1938), in: Beate Althammer (ed.), Citizenship, Migration and Social Rights. Historical Experiences from the 1870s to the 1970s (= Routledge Studies in Modern History), London/New York 2023, 119-140. DOI
Preprint (Accepted Manuscript)
CV (pdf in German)