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Jonas M. Albrecht

Photo: Andreas Neiß Photo: Andreas Neiß

Associated Scholar


Mag. phil in History (University of Vienna 2013), PhD in History (Johannes Kepler University Linz 2022)


Areas of Research

  • Consumption and nutrition
  • Globalisation and capitalism
  • Inequality and environment


Current Projects

  • Book project: Between Moral and Market Economies. Regulating Bread in Vienna, 1775-1885 (Bloomsbury 2024)
  • Global goods in the Habsburg Hinterland. A Consumer Revolution in Central Europe, c. 1650-1800?


Selection of Publications

  • Jonas Albrecht, Surprising Similarities? Food Market Deregulation and the consequences of laissez-faire in Vienna, Paris and New York City, c. 1840–1880, in: Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione (GR/SR) 30/1 (2021), 19-54.

  • Jonas Albrecht, Brot für die Hauptstadt. Niederösterreich und die Nahrungsversorgung Wiens im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, in: Oliver Kühschelm/Elisabeth Loinig/Stefan Eminger/Willibald Rosner (eds.) Niederösterreich im 19. Jahrhundert, St. Pölten, 2021, 449-476.

  • Jonas Albrecht, „Das Ringen des Freihandels mit dem Prohibitivsystem.“ Politische Ökonomie und Infrastruktur der Brotversorgung Wiens, 1815–1847, in: ÖZG (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften) 30/2 (2019), 67-99.

  • Jonas Albrecht, The Struggle for Bread. The Emperor, the City and the Bakers between Moral and Market Economies of Food in Vienna, 1775–1791, in: History of Retailing and Consumption 5/3 (2019), 276-294.    
  • Jonas Albrecht, The Need for Wheat: The pre-industrial Expansion of Vienna’s Grain Supply, 1800-1840, in: Herment Laurent/Wouter Ronsijn/Niccolo Mignemi (Eds.), Stocks, seasons and sales. Food supply, storage and markets in Europe and the New World, c. 1600-2000 (= Comparative Rural History Network-Publications 17) (2019), 103-127.


Full CV (pdf in German)

