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Agricultural Country Lower Austria, 1918–1995

  • 2018-08-23T13:49:00+02:00

The project highlights the regional diversity of the agricultural country Lower Austria in the 20th century.


Institute of Rural History (own project in cooperation with the Provincial Archive of Lower Austria)



September 2005 – June 2007



Ernst Langthaler



Rita Garstenauer

Martina Höllmüller

Josef Redl



The aim of this project is to develop contributions to a handbook on Lower Austria in ‘the short 20th Century’, edited by the Provincial Archive of Lower Austria. Two contributions deal with the political and economic development of the Lower Austrian agricultural sector. Another article offers a comparative analysis of selected agricultural regions in Lower Austria. All contributions are fundamentally based on primary sources used already in a preliminary project: the files of the Lower Austrian Bezirksbauernkammer.



  • Ernst Bruckmüller / Josef Redl, Land der Äcker. Landwirtschaft in Niederösterreich 1918-2008, in: Peter Melichar / Stefan Eminger / Ernst Langthaler (Hg.), Niederösterreich im 20. Jahrhundert, Bd. 2: Wirtschaft, Wien / Köln / Weimar 2008, 165-217.
  • Rita Garstenauer, Ungleiches Wirtschaften. Die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft in verschiedenen Regionen Niederösterreichs, in: Peter Melichar / Stefan Eminger / Ernst Langthaler (Hg.), Niederösterreich im 20. Jahrhundert, Bd. 2: Wirtschaft, Wien / Köln / Weimar 2008, 219-260.
  • Ernst Langthaler, Nahe und entfernte Verwandtschaft. Agrar-Korporativismus in Niederösterreich, in: Stefan Eminger / Ernst Langthaler (Hg.), Niederösterreich im 20. Jahrhundert, Bd. 1: Politik, Wien / Köln / Weimar 2008, 687-710.