This regional comparison shows how families engaged in farming see themselves and their agricultural businesses.
Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung – Abteilung Landentwicklung
October 2010 – December 2011
Principal Investigator
Sophie Tod
This research project is a follow-up of the FWF project of the same name on family farming in two Lower Austrian regions from the 1940s to the 1980s and continues this research up until today in many aspects. The focus is on the development since the 1970s. In a broad analysis (Breitenanalyse) of 56 farms in two regions, which were also the research subject of the FWF project, we reconstruct agricultural systems and the corresponding farming styles. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of eight case studies. This project is designed as a pilot for a larger investigation of agricultural systems and farming styles in Lower Austria.
- Sophie Tod, Landwirtschaftsstile in Niederösterreich 1970-2011. Projektbericht im Auftrag der Abteilung Landentwicklung des Amtes der NÖ Landesregierung (Rural History Working Papers 1), St. Pölten 2012.
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- Sophie Tod / Ernst Langthaler, Landwirtschaftsstile und Kulturlandschaften, in: Zoll+. Österreichische Schriftenreihe für Landschaft und Freiraum 21 (2012), 46-49.