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Lower Austria's Agricultural Elites, 1930–1960

  • 2018-08-23T11:58:00+02:00

This project reconstructs the social profile of the employees of the Agricultural Chamber in the mid-20th century.


Institute of Rural History (own project in cooperation with the Provincial Archive of Lower Austria)



July 2007 – December 2008



Josef Redl



The project analyses the social profile of the agricultural chamber’s employees (before 1938 and after 1945), as well as the profile of the employees of the Reichsnährstand (1938–45) on the basis of the personnel files of the Lower Austrian agricultural chamber. Thus, the project seeks to contribute to a collective biography of this group of agrarian elites in Lower Austria.



Josef Redl, Kammerbedienstete und Reichsnährstandsleute. Ein Beitrag zu Personal und Agrareliten der NÖ Landes-Landwirtschaftskammer und der Landesbauernschaft Donauland/Niederdonau von 1922 bis 1957, in: Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich NF 75/76 (2009/10), 208-279.
