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Rural Area in the Museum

  • 2018-08-23T13:57:00+02:00

A concept for displaying the history of rural areas in the House of History Lower Austria (Haus der Geschichte Niederösterreich).


Donau Universität Krems, Zentrum für Museale Sammlungswissenschaften



January – June 2015


Principal Investigator

Ernst Langthaler



Martin Bauer

Rudolf Buchinger



This project is a work package within the Haus der Geschichte Niederösterreichs (museum of the history of Lower Austria). It includes both research and preparation for presentations in the museum. The content-related foundation of the project is a study on the development of the rural area since ca. 1850, which is supplemented by biographies. Both the biographies and a selection of ca. 100 objects (models, photographs, documents, etc.) serve as the basis for the further mediation of the topic in the museum.
