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The Village as a Natural-Social System

  • 2018-08-23T13:56:00+02:00

This exhibition displays the relations of society and nature in the village of the Weinviertel in the 19th century.


Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz Errichtungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft



March 2012 – December 2012


Principal Investigators

Erich Landsteiner (University of Vienna)

Ernst Langthaler



Martin Bauer

Rudolf Buchinger



Students of the University of Vienna



In the course of the research internship at the University of Vienna in spring 2012, students explored central aspects of the 19th century Weinviertler village as a natural-social system, based on archival sources and under the guidance of University teachers and tutors. The results were used for elaborating a new concept for the local museum: Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz.


Project publications

Erich Landsteiner / Ernst Langthaler, Bauern, Hauer, Inwohner. Das Weinviertler Dorf als natural-soziales System, in: Volkskultur Niederösterreich (Hg.), Das Weinviertel. Mehr als Idylle, Weitra 2013, 18-25.
