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100 Years since the Foundation of the Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Austria

  • 2022-12-21T09:10:00+01:00

This project traces the development of the Lower Austrian Chamber of Agriculture since 1922 in its historical contexts.



Landwirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich



July - December 2021


Principal Investigators

Jessica Richter 

Ulrich Schwarz-Gräber



Martin Bauer

Maximilian Martsch

Jessica Richter 

Ulrich Schwarz-Gräber

Brigitte Semanek



On 22 February 1922, the “Gesetz über die Errichtung von Landwirtschaftskammern (Bauernkammern)” (Law on the Establishment of Chambers of Agriculture) was passed in the Lower Austrian federal state parliament, and Lower Austria thus became the first Austrian province with a democratic representation of farmers’ interests. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Austria, a publication is produced. For this purpose, the IRH works on contributions to a chronicle of the last 100 years, describing milestones of historical developments in each decade. This project takes a look at disruptions and continuities across the different political systems. It connects the work of the specialised departments, functionaries and committees of the Provincial Chamber of Agriculture with the concerns of the Chamber members. Moreover, the project links Chamber activities with socio-economic changes in agriculture and forestry as well as agricultural policy in the Austrian and European context.

Anniversary website: 100 Jahre Landwirtschaftskammer


Image: Multi-parcel fertilization trial on spring barley, from: III. Tätigkeitsbericht der n.-ö. Landes-Landwirtschaftskammer. Reporting year 1926, Vienna 1927, p. 218.
