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Ambulant Theatre in the Long 19th Century

Theaterzettel aus dem Stadtarchiv Krems Theaterzettel aus dem Stadtarchiv Krems
  • 2022-12-21T09:04:00+01:00

This project lays the foundations for a history of mobility perspective on the "provincial theatre."


Research Network for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (first), Research Group Regionalities



October – December 2021


Principal Investigator

Oliver Kühschelm



Magret Berger



The project lays the foundations for a research project that will turn to the 'provincial theater' of the long 19th century in a mobility-historical perspective. Some of the institutional structures and practices established at that time continue to have an impact to the present, most visibly in some municipal theaters that are still in operation today. The theater in villages and small towns was a local arena of civic publicity and at the same time a transregional network in which actors and theater entrepreneurs moved from engagement to engagement. They led an ambulant life and a materially often precarious existence. Their performances were under suspicion, if they could be considered politically unobjectionable, morally and culturally valuable and had therefore to be watched closely. They were not guaranteed the respect of the educated middle classes, but they provided services that the middle classes, the self-declared center of society, could not do without.


Project goals

Elaboration of the research concept for an application
Publication of a scientific essay
Addition of references to theater/actresses to the guide to migration history



> Oliver Kühschelm und Gertrude Langer-Ostrawsky, Theater auf dem flachen Land. Bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit zwischen Provinz und Metropole, in: Oliver Kühschelm, Elisabeth Loinig, Stefan Eminger und Willibald Rosner (Hg.): Niederösterreich im 19. Jahrhundert, Bd. 2: Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft. Eine Regionalgeschichte der Moderne (St. Pölten: NÖ Institut für Landeskunde 2021), 645–679,, hier als Postprint.

> Patrick Aprent und Magret Berger, Ambulantes Theater in den Habsburgischen Provinzen um 1900. Die Reisende Gesellschaft der Anna Blumlacher in der Steiermark, in: Nestroyana. Blätter der Internationalen Nestroy-Gesellschaft 40, 3/4 (2020), 222–245.

