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History of the Agricultural Community of “Urhausbesitzer” in Alland (Lower Austria)

Image of Alland, c. 1910, Source: NÖLB Topographische Sammlung Image of Alland, c. 1910, Source: NÖLB Topographische Sammlung
  • 2022-12-21T10:28:00+01:00

The project reconstructs the development of the agricultural community in Alland since the mid-13th century.


Agrargemeinschaft der Urhausbesitzer in Alland



January 2020 – May 2021


Principal Investigator

Ulrich Schwarz-Gräber



Martin Bauer



This project aims at a description of the historical development of the agricultural community in Alland and the most important events in the history of their commons since the middle of the 13th century. In addition, a corresponding publication is prepared to mark the 775th anniversary of the agricultural community in 2024.

Results of the project have been published in Rural History Working Paper 37.
