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Ordentlich! Schlampert.

  • 2018-08-23T13:52:00+02:00

The project examines perceptions of landscapes and awareness of biodiversity.


Verein thema:natur, Bildung – Vernetzung – Kommunikation


Cooperation Partner

SUSKE CONSULTING, Technischen Büro für Naturschutz & Ländlicher Raum & Soziales



October 2016 – June 2018


Principal Investigators

Ernst Langthaler

Ulrich Schwarz



Sophie Tod


Short Description

The IGLR is involved in the first phase of this project: a literature research on the development of the perception of the landscape during the last 60 to 70 years. Additionally, we conduct a study on farmers’ attitudes to landscapes. On the basis of the Q-method, a typology of various subjective perceptions of landscapes will be created.

